Tribe Sim 2 Wiki
Welcome to the Tribe Sim 2 Wiki

Tribe sim 2 is a survival game made by untitled_hd in Roblox

You can make bases have conflicts make tribes have alliances go to war have major battles and much much more

Game Link: 💀tribe sim 2💀


This wiki is ran by MiguelitoWonders or better known as untitled_hd on roblox

for more questions join the official Tribe Sim 2 discord:

Level System

The leveling system is a way to gain access to gated areas and to be able to craft certain things. Each gated area has the resources specifically designed for one level system. There are 4 different leveling systems and they are explained below


There are 4 different biomes currently


There a ton of animals in Tribe sim 2 some hostile some not hostile
